Fundoo Class
Science & Nature

Learn Basics of the Periodic Table from an IIT Graduate (Age 12-16 years)

Multi-day class

In this one-week course, students will be able to learn the characteristics of the periodic table such as symbols, atomic number, atomic mass, protons, electrons, neutrons, metals, non-metals, metalloids, noble gases, chemical formulas, electronegativity, bond types.

Sudhanshu Godara

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This teacher has taught to 3 learners on Fundoo Class

1 Weeks,4x a Week

How does a Multi-Day Course work?

A Multi-Day Course meets multiple times over one or more weeks. Learners join the teacher in live video chat sessions at scheduled times. Outside of these sessions, they can take part in a classroom discussion group and message the teacher directly. Longer courses create more opportunities: real-time activities, engaging projects, and interaction with diverse classmates from other states and countries.
60 Minutes Class Duration
1-12 Kids Class Size
Ages 12-16 Age Range
Rs. 354 Total* Price Per Learner (Rs)

Available Times

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Class Experience

In this course, the kids learn about the characteristics and properties of the Periodic Table. The class will be taught in a traditional lecture-style. Student participation throughout the class is required. Homework or Test may be assigned as needed to reinforce learning.  All meetings will be conducted through the Zoom platform. Media will be used to make a better understanding of the topics.

A general course of topics is as follows:

-Symbols and name meanings

-Atomic Weight

-Atomic Number

-Properties of the Periodic Table 

-Formulas for calculating Molecular Mass

-Classification of Period & Groups

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When I was first offered the opportunity to teach an adult education class on technology, I thought it would be a great experience. I knew it would look good on my resume. I knew that I would probably learn a lot. However, I didn’t realize how much fun it would be. I never had to drag myself to class or felt like it was a dreadful thing. Before I would start class, especially for the first few times, I would get very nervous. But I began to really enjoy it and before long my anxiety about teaching went away. I have taught a student this year who is very shy but he was a brilliant student. He have scored 99.40 % in XII CBSE boards this year .

Notebook and a pen

Yes, few materials will be needed before the class.

Multiple Class: 1 week, four times a week, each day one hour

After the completion of this class, the student should be able to identify symbols, atomic weights, atomic numbers, calculate the number of neutrons and electrons of each element, calculate molecular mass of different chemical formulas, explain electronegativity, distinguish between groups and periods.

In the class, tests will be given to learners for better understanding of topics.

The progress will be assessed daily in the class.

Not required


Sudhanshu Godara

3 completed classes

About Me

Hello, I am Sudhanshu Godara. I am an IIT graduate. I served as a lead Chemistry teacher for 5 years. Exposing students to the wonders of Inorganic chemistry is my passion.
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