Fundoo Class

Math - That Was Easy! (Age 11-13 years)

Multi-day class

In this class, students will learn the basics of algebra, integers, equations, rational numbers, inequalities, exponents and scientific notation.

Shivaraj B Gokavimath

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New Teacher

4 Weeks,3x a Week

How does a Multi-Day Course work?

A Multi-Day Course meets multiple times over one or more weeks. Learners join the teacher in live video chat sessions at scheduled times. Outside of these sessions, they can take part in a classroom discussion group and message the teacher directly. Longer courses create more opportunities: real-time activities, engaging projects, and interaction with diverse classmates from other states and countries.
40 Minutes Class Duration
1-8 Kids Class Size
Ages 11-13 Age Range
Rs. 7344 Total* Price Per Learner (Rs)

Available Times

Fri, Nov 5 - Nov 28

4 Weeks,3x a Week
5:00 PM - 5:40 PM

Sun, Dec 26 - Jan 16

4 Weeks,3x a Week
9:00 PM - 9:40 PM

Don't see a time that works for you?


Class Experience

In this  class, I will walk students through the skills needed to understand and confidently answer problems in Pre-Algebra. I will demonstrate the steps needed to solve the problem and have the students watch. Then the students will work through several problems with me and be encouraged to talk me through solving the problems. After this, students will be able to do our last few problems of the class on their own using the steps we've practiced. As students get stuck or held up on a problem, we will use it as a time to encourage them and help them figure out the next step to solve.
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1+ years’ experience in teaching.

Pen/pencil, notebook

Nothing as such


This class will help the learner to have a strong basics of maths.

Practice sheets will be shared in google classroom

will be assessed after the class

Not Required


Shivaraj B Gokavimath

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